CLIENT STORIES: Brian Wanjala Wamalwa

Tell us about yourself
My name is Brian Wanjala Wamalwa. I am from Bungoma and am currently a provider for my family because of MOGO.
Tell us your story before you encountered MOGO?
I started as an employed boda-boda rider operating in Sang`alo Main Stage in Bungoma. My employer was demanding KES 400 per day, which was relatively high, but I worked extra hard to pay the amount my employer requested. At the time, I had enrolled in a course at Sang`alo Institute to better my education, but paying fees was a struggle as I was counting on my Boda Boda riding job to pay my fees and provide for my young family. One day my employer had domestic issues and ended up taking the bike from me, leaving me jobless and hopeless, not knowing how I would pay my fees and feed my family. I stopped school and started loitering around. Out of frustration, I wandered everywhere, looking for manual jobs to sustain my young family. This was when I came across the name MOGO, and I approached the employees in the dealership at Meena Bungoma. I was afraid that I did not have enough deposit funds for a new bike, but fortunately, I got good financial advice from a loan officer — Silas Singoro Wasike, who led me to get a second-hand bike, a TVS 125cc.
What product did you buy, and how has it helped/changed you?
I took a second-hand bike, a TVS 125cc. My family and I were so happy to have been given a second chance to make a decent living through MOGO! I have been loyal in making my payments and was able to go back to school, and as we speak, I have finished a driving course at Rocky Driving School! I was also recently blessed with a bouncing baby boy, and we are faring on well, knowing that I am working and able to provide for my family and, more so, improve my life through education.
What is your aspiration?
I dream of joining MOGO and working as a rider, field agent, or marketer. I believe this is the only way I can appreciate MOGO for changing my life and that of my family – from rags to a decent living.
Ready to start your own journey with a new Boda Boda?
Boda Boda business in Kenya is a broad sector with many opportunities. If you dream about starting the business on your own but don’t have enough capital — MOGO offers flexible Boda Boda financing solutions. Choose your preferred motorcycle and pay for it from as little as KES 300 per day!