
Tell us about life before you met MOGO
Sadly, I was using a hired bike, and my hustle was full of uncertainties. I could not tell when the owner was to recall the bike and the days when income was low. This was making it difficult to have a good relationship with the owner. Also, he demanded the bike be at his place by 8.00 PM. Hence, I could not attend to late clients and make any extra coins for the day.
Tell us about life after meeting MOGO
I first met Mogo at a Boda Boda chairpersons meeting in Kakamega town. Meeting MOGO to me was a day of salvation. I could not believe it when I was awarded a cash-back of KES 3000. The very day I got some cash from a merry-go-round at my stage, I visited one of MOGO’s offices and acquired a new Boda Boda with an additional 3k. I joyfully went home with Christmas shopping and a new bike. My family too was happy with that. Ever since that day, I have made about three times what I made with the rented bike. My children are comfortably at school, well catered for, and my bills are paid in time. The secret is that I am my own manager, and so long as I pay the loan in time, I have nothing else to worry about.
What is your position about having a loan?
Having a loan means being responsible and liable for servicing it. If you take responsibility, then there is nothing to worry about. It is pretty hard to save until the amount gets to the worth of the asset unless you have a well-paying job.
Would you advise anyone in need to get an asset with MOGO?
100%. In fact, I will drop them by! After acquiring my bike, I can confirm that I have directed more than five clients and am now paying well. MOGO has stepped up to meet riders’ needs and is the best place to belong.
Ready to start your own journey with a new Boda Boda?
Boda Boda business in Kenya is a broad sector with many opportunities. If you dream about starting the business on your own but don’t have enough capital — MOGO offers flexible Boda Boda financing solutions. Choose your preferred motorcycle and pay for it from as little as KES 300 per day!